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Thames Health Osteopathy | Philosophy
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What we cover

It has always been Alistair’s philosophy to help clients conquer their pain and discomfort in as short a time a possible. As an Osteopath he will use all his knowledge to assist clients in resolving their pain. He also educates his client so they have the knowledge to prevent the pain recurring in the future.

Using techniques studied at the Chek Institute Alistair has a Holistic approach to health and wellness. His belief is one of balance in all aspects of life. Physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. When and where necessary he will coach clients in attaining optimal health and wellness focusing on improving function by training the seven primal patterns of movement. This combined with relaxation, meditation techniques and Paul Chek 4 Dr’s model, he will aim to give patients their power back.

Alistair feels he is in a unique group of practitioners that have both the manual therapy skills of Osteopathy, combined with the rehabilitative knowledge and abilities of Chek Practitioners (high skilled exercise specialists).

Where possible he will aim to progress the client from being pain free, to strong and stable.

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